Karl Kikas (1914–1992) from Valgjärv was a man who made the national instrument radio-famous. To...
Many people in Estonia and beyond know the Intsikurmu Manor Park due to its tradition of fold song...
Leevaku Chimney, which is joked about as being the world's tallest sauna chimney (at 50 metres...
The power of the flowing waters of the river Võhandu has been harnessed in Leevaku since 1835...
The Church of Blessed Virgin Mary in Põlva is one of the oldest churches in historical Võrumaa...
Mehikoorma Lighthouse is located on the west coast of Lake Lämmijärv in the south end of Lake...
The cemetery established in 1773 is located on the gradually ascending bank of the Orajõgi River...
The central square of Põlva is like a living room in the open air. It is a nice meeting place in...
At Süvahavva Wool Factory and Museum you can see how wool is spun into yarn. Villakalli Puut sells...