Culture and history

Culture and history

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Museums & Galleries |Kanepi vald, Varbuse küla, Põlva County 63122

There is a unique children’s museum on the first floor of the Varbuse post station of the Road...

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Museums & Galleries |Kanepi vald, Varbuse küla, Põlva County 63122

The newest part of the museum is the Machinery Hall, opened in July 2019, with the exhibition...

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Museums & Galleries |Pargi tänav 31, Räpina linn, Põlva County 64505

The exhibition room is located on the ground floor of Loomemaja. The exhibition room has exhibitions...

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Museums & Galleries |Kanepi vald, Karilatsi küla, Põlva County 63505

Karilatsi Open Air Museum is a unique open air museum in Southern Estonia which provides an overview...

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Museums & Galleries |Räpina vald, Leevaku küla, Põlva County 64428

The power of the flowing waters of the river Võhandu has been harnessed in Leevaku since 1835...

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Museums & Galleries |Kanepi vald, Varbuse küla, Põlva County 63122

In July 2019, the exciting permanent exhibition called 'Controlling machines' (Masinate valitsemine...

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Museums & Galleries |Tartu maantee 21, Põlva vald, Ahja alevik, Põlva County 63710

The Museum of Tuglas is the childhood home of Friedebert Tuglas, born on 2 March 1886. Tuglas became...

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Ruins & Historic Sites |Jaama tänav , Põlva linn, Põlva County 63303

The cemetery established in 1773 is located on the gradually ascending bank of the Orajõgi River...

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Museums & Galleries |Pargi tänav 28, Räpina linn, Põlva County 64505

The exhibition at the Räpina Local History and Gardening Museum provides an overview of the manor...

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Museums & Galleries |Räpina vald, Süvahavva küla, Põlva County 64220

At Süvahavva Wool Factory and Museum you can see how wool is spun into yarn. Villakalli Puut sells...

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