Culture and history

Culture and history

Lutheran Church of Blessed Virgin Mary in Põlva

The Church of Blessed Virgin Mary in Põlva is one of the oldest churches in historical Võrumaa. The rarities of the church are the old altar painting The Last Supper (1650) and the altar panels (1647). There is an altar painting The Resurrection (Friedrich Ludwig von Maydell, 1845). The church was originally a square-shaped hall church with three naves. Today it has preserved from it a high tower with a deep niche and a Western façade. Interesting to know: According to a legend, the key of the church is held by a kneeling girl called Mary who is walled in. Allegedly that is also the origin of the name of the church and Põlva (‘knee’ for the Estonian ‘põlv’).
Kesk tänav 2, Põlva linn, Põlva County 63307
(+372) 53037728, (+372) 5296049