Culture and history

Culture and history

Süvahavva Wool Factory and Museum

At Süvahavva Wool Factory and Museum you can see how wool is spun into yarn. Villakalli Puut sells wool products and other local handicrafts on the spot.Also, don't miss the opportunity to visit Süvahavva Nature Farm which is located close to the factory. The farm grows more than 40 species and cultures of tea plants and herbs. The most beautiful sandstone outcrops and caves on the Võhandu River are only a few hundred metres from here.Süvahavva village is one of the 21 places in Southern Estonia worth discovering that are marked by a yellow National Geographic window; if you love culture and nature, a visit is highly recommended.
Räpina vald, Süvahavva küla, Põlva County 64220
(+372) 51997008, (+372) 53459632
Ajad ja hinnad
Adult:   5 €
Child:   1 €